Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Common courtesy

So last week a truck driver needed to turn wide and was honking his horn and trying to get peoples attention that he needed to turn wide and to stay put. Other drivers were just going and not staying .
Well he got my attention explained he needed to turn wide and wanted me to stay where I was until he turned. I thanked him and did that . I did that and was grateful that he was getting my attention so he could turn and there wouldn't be an accident .
  Common courtesy isn't all that common but when you recognize it , its a good thing . so I like to leave places better or cleaner than I found them! Its also about going above and beyond. You hear it but what is it really ? Well its common courtesy its doing the extra that becomes what you do that gives a WOW factor . its going the extra mile and its if it takes extra time its worth it!

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