Tuesday, July 10, 2018


Commitment: it can mean so many different things ( committing to goals, committing to a person , committing to a service, job, duty
Personal /group goals, habit,thought /action, show etc. )
So how does it relate to organization and tips? Glad you asked ... With organization that is what you're doing , you are taking steps and making a commitment to change a space etc to help make it easier to bring it all together so you can enjoy it, relax etc. You're making a commitment to get in a habit of making sure it easy accessible(has its place etc)
  Organization so many ways it can be done!. Feel overwhelmed ? Organization tips help. Ideas? So many to try one doesn't work or you don't like it try another. Its easy to make a habit once you've been doing it a while.
Organization = motivation 👊

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