Friday, February 9, 2018

Operation : Taking Back My House

So this week I have been taking my house ! With all the changes its taken me longer than I like but it will be worth it once it's all done. So part of me taking back my house is getting some more things for organization. I got some white boards and calendars so I can keep track of EVENTS I want to attend.
I recently got a shredder so I was able to get rid of paper CLUTTER. Which has been helpful and I feel better.
One of my co workers / friends gave me a CLEANING TIP to get soap scum off my showers and tubs , I tried it and it works so I am going to keep doing that . :) I updated my website ! I've done some live videos. (MARKETING TIPS)
I've made my own BUSINESS CARDS, brochures, LOGO etc. I'm happy with my success so far though I have quite a bit left to completely have my house back.

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