Success is measured by many things. What do you or how do you measure success? Well lets use science! A. You have to account for variable and the many different options . B. You have to have a result you want to get to , or a hypothesis . what steps will get you you're desired result or a result ? C. Time and calculations: how do you calculate or track success?
Depends on the level of success you want and what goals you are measuring it by
Are you changing the goals as you go to accommodate for growth ? ( example : in sales you have a desired amount of sales you need to reach. You have a certain amount of steps or goals to get there. You measure by surveys or customer satisfaction. YOU can also track through referrals , spreadsheets etc. )
Failure : how do you explain , or examine failure ? The same way you measure success. With failure you feel defeated. You need to decide how long you will continue, when will you throw in the towel and give up altogether?
So measure success little by little and don't give up when one thing fails come up With a new perspective and continue to work towards success.
( example : for my business I keep measuring success by still receiving followers and likes everyday. I also measure by referrals and clients . ) once it get bigger ill measure by jobs and clients and once it gets bigger etc ill change as I grow and continue to measure the little successes everyday . )
Tuesday, June 26, 2018
Success vs failure
Follow thru
So lets talk about follow thru! First it starts with intentions . then keeping at it. Making a schedule.
Keeping at it , follow thru so the build up doesn't happen again. Elbow grease goes a long way , but do you want to keep putting in the hard core elbow grease every few months or have it get easier as time goes on ? Follow thru its important so it will get easier so you don't have to continue to put in the hard core elbow grease. *wash , rinse , repeat * its on all the shampoo and conditioner bottles. The follow up is on all cleaning products : floor cleaner , kitchen and bathroom cleaners. Yet we don't always use it like its intended to help . that is the problem . what I do create a schedule , multi task and FOLLOW thru!
Friday, June 22, 2018
Today I did a cleaning job for a client! I'm going to post before and afters.
It was well worth it. I provided my time and services and we discussed what I do and what they do. They are also a business owner! I love networking and getting to know ppl also being able to help them out. :)
Sunday, June 17, 2018
Finally! Video
I wanted to share pictures of projects I have done .
Formula containers turned utensil holders. Game container turned mop and broom holder.
Cleaning closet ! Kids stuffed animal holder turned kids clothes holder. Etc. Mom win ! It works! Finally
Shoe rack and shoe holders turned into mail and craft holder and purse and scarf holder. Book shelf I took the backing off and added baskets. O like the looks of all my projects and makes it easier for my kids to not make such a huge mess. :)
Friday, June 15, 2018
Books, networking, putting into practice
READING: it's one of my favorite past times! It always feel like an adventure. I've started reading and listening to audio books about business , marketing and different ways to implement things.
I've found some really good things to implement and share to help in my business.
I find them motivational and easy to implement. Everything isn't as easy to do but with practice it soon becomes a habit and it just becomes second nature. What I learn is what can be implemented in any business. I will be sharing individual posts on the individual books and how I am implementing them.
Friday, June 8, 2018
Wednesday, June 6, 2018
here's a post that's been a long time coming! We all procrastinate in one way or another, right? Even if you never thought of yourself as a procrastinator , you can still be one with out realizing until one day it hits you.
How and what ways qualify as procrastination ?
* excuses : reasons why we are not able to get to something that's been on our mind or needs to get done.
* time: start but not able to finish cuz of other things more important to finish. (Ran out of time)
* confusion: where to start, what to do, when to do it? (Can't make up mind)
* motivation: lack of , will do it the next day etc.
* resources: not enough or too much , trying to figure how to bring it together
*feelings : how we feel , sick , anxiety , depression etc , stress
Yes yours truly has realized in a few ways I'm a procrastinator and never realized it.
Yes , I clean and organize. But I noticed the other day I procrastinated on a few projects I've been meaning to get done and didn't realize it . so what will I be doing on my day off ? Hitting the projects I've procrastinated on due to time and other things being more important .
Ways to over come procrastination , get motivated : reward yourself , little things do help! Make time : even if you work in it for a few minutes a day make sure you go back to it. Don't make excuses: take responsibility. Own it!
Set goals.
Even if you fall short. Its never too late to change the more you do something the faster it will turn into a habit , procrastination can be a bad habit, you can change it and make it a good goal to not procrastinate.