organization or cleaning of room or space $50-$250. ( depends on all required) call or text if interested. estimates are free.
Thursday, October 25, 2018
Friday, October 12, 2018
Wednesday, October 10, 2018
Salt lamps
Salt lamps perfect for any occasion. I can't wait to aquire more. eventually I want one for every room :)
Wednesday, August 29, 2018
Never Enough
When I am grocery shopping etc I look at cute containers or containers and see what I could use them for. Sometimes I don't buy containers until I know what I will need them for
Seems like you can not have enough containers for your needs and or wants now I have lots of containers and lots of ideas. Everything is currently packed or put away due to what's going on so no new containers for me until we get things settled and that is ok. You can never have enough containers. There is always new ideas for organization etc.
Monday, July 23, 2018
Motivation , positivity
Looking for motivational and inspirational quotes. Putting a video together. Please share your favorite quotes with me so I can feature them in my video? Thank you
Sunday, July 22, 2018
Nitty Gritty ( blood , sweat, tears)
Time to talk about the nitty gritty , the blood sweat and tears that goes into cleaning , deep cleaning , organizing ,the stress and all of what we put ourselves through at any aspect of our life.
So the nitty gritty of deep cleaning : the goals , the emotional , the memories , the effort you put in time and time again to get it sparkling clean to go back and do it all over again with in weeks to keep it kept up.
The blood sweat and tears of organizing : the goals the plan , try this try that rearrange. Decide what to keep and what to let go of. How long it will last before you decide to change it what makes you happy .
These are just a part of the experience the business apart of life , growing etc. Lucky for me I love cleaning and organizing I always have a plan and decide how and when I will change things.
Core beliefs and business
Lets discuss core beliefs and how they work with business. Depending on what your core beliefs are you can implement them in your business , in your mission, your vision, you customer care etc. ( Now I'm not getting into Politics or Religion)
There's a few core beliefs that I believe help make a business succeed. ~ no excuses
I absolutely hate excuses and believe I time and effort and hard work. I feel if you have excuses then its easier to rationalize and easier to put what should be getting done off. Its no way to run a business and time and effort will get you far excuses won't.
~ don't fix what isn't broken . if something is working no need to change it but there is always room for improvement to make it better. 😀 a lot of shows now talk about elevating things , putting your own spin on it and making it your own. Why ? Because no one is the same and we all do things differently. Ppl will know if we are being fake and whether or not we believe what we say about our product or not . doesn't matter what sales pitch you use , how you frame it unless you make it your own and find ways to improve that say you .
~ passion , desire , empathy , caring , experience . these all go hand in hand and make for a better experience for all involve. I do things with my whole heart. If i don't believe in it or don't understand how its going to benefit I'm not going to be good at getting others to see it
Now most of us are this way and others can pull it on the fly on a moments notice. If you're passionate about something , it leads to drive / desire , experience
Caring for others leads to empathy , and helping them have a good experience.
~ everything has a time and place
With organization and cleaning its about dwcluttering and making sure things are put in place to come together to keep the space open and not be overwhelming. Business everything has a time and place that's appropriate to discuss things and not. Business needs organization to help it run and function.
There are many more these are just a few of my core beliefs and how they help with almost any thing.
Friday, July 20, 2018
Time for a marketing post
Thursday, July 19, 2018
Containers , sizes, uses
Containers have so many uses depending on size and what you need.
You can use as many different shelves. You can add or take away. You can stack. You can mount. You can store , build , repurpose. Small containers are best for knick knacks or the junk drawer.
Bigger containers for blankets, pillows, toys , books etc. You can use multiple container sizes to make a variety of shelving or bring a room together.
You can also use containers for fun such as hide n seek , forts, tent, table, chair etc.
Cleaning / organizing stress relief
For the past few nights I have been cleaning when everyone else is asleep.
I like it it helps me relieve stress from a hard day and to not have to delve into my thoughts . I also come up with new ideas while I clean.
I'm always looking for new ideas on how to improve and rearrange a space or room in my house. What works and what doesnt? The past few nights I've been working in my kitchen , and the bedroom. The next will be the bathrooms , kids rooms :) I'm excited for the video updates I'm going to do.
Tuesday, July 10, 2018
Commitment: it can mean so many different things ( committing to goals, committing to a person , committing to a service, job, duty
Personal /group goals, habit,thought /action, show etc. )
So how does it relate to organization and tips? Glad you asked ... With organization that is what you're doing , you are taking steps and making a commitment to change a space etc to help make it easier to bring it all together so you can enjoy it, relax etc. You're making a commitment to get in a habit of making sure it easy accessible(has its place etc)
Organization so many ways it can be done!. Feel overwhelmed ? Organization tips help. Ideas? So many to try one doesn't work or you don't like it try another. Its easy to make a habit once you've been doing it a while.
Organization = motivation 👊
What trends do you keep up with ?
What are your goals?
How do you measure success?
Do you have a business you want to have likes, wants to be promoted etc?
Drop it in the comments on my page: Organize tips cleaning and marketing tips
What trends don't work?
Friday, July 6, 2018
Few good cleaning products and a few good tips
Ok so some of my favorite cleaning products that you can find anywhere and use for almost anything :
1. Toothpaste
2. Goobegone
3. Windex
4. Cleaning wipes
5. Dish soap
So these are some I use everyday. Also I have other ones but I'm not giving away all my tips. I also mix and dilute but that also is not going to be given away.
Some tools that are great and can also be found anywhere:
1. Scrub brush
2. Duster
3. Sos pads
4. Rag
5. Bucket or bowl
Uses variety of things cleaning and organization!
If you want to know more check my website @
Follow on youtube, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest etc.
Easy way to update
Easy way to update any room is by painting it! So we are working on getting ready to put our house on the market so we are painting my kids rooms back to white . paint is also the cheapest way to update a room !
Insta tv
I'm on Insta tv so you can follow me there too where I upload my videos from facevoom and YouTube. They also are posted on my website. Feel free to check out
Tuesday, July 3, 2018
Common courtesy
So last week a truck driver needed to turn wide and was honking his horn and trying to get peoples attention that he needed to turn wide and to stay put. Other drivers were just going and not staying .
Well he got my attention explained he needed to turn wide and wanted me to stay where I was until he turned. I thanked him and did that . I did that and was grateful that he was getting my attention so he could turn and there wouldn't be an accident .
Common courtesy isn't all that common but when you recognize it , its a good thing . so I like to leave places better or cleaner than I found them! Its also about going above and beyond. You hear it but what is it really ? Well its common courtesy its doing the extra that becomes what you do that gives a WOW factor . its going the extra mile and its if it takes extra time its worth it!
Tuesday, June 26, 2018
Success vs failure
Success is measured by many things. What do you or how do you measure success? Well lets use science! A. You have to account for variable and the many different options . B. You have to have a result you want to get to , or a hypothesis . what steps will get you you're desired result or a result ? C. Time and calculations: how do you calculate or track success?
Depends on the level of success you want and what goals you are measuring it by
Are you changing the goals as you go to accommodate for growth ? ( example : in sales you have a desired amount of sales you need to reach. You have a certain amount of steps or goals to get there. You measure by surveys or customer satisfaction. YOU can also track through referrals , spreadsheets etc. )
Failure : how do you explain , or examine failure ? The same way you measure success. With failure you feel defeated. You need to decide how long you will continue, when will you throw in the towel and give up altogether?
So measure success little by little and don't give up when one thing fails come up With a new perspective and continue to work towards success.
( example : for my business I keep measuring success by still receiving followers and likes everyday. I also measure by referrals and clients . ) once it get bigger ill measure by jobs and clients and once it gets bigger etc ill change as I grow and continue to measure the little successes everyday . )
Follow thru
So lets talk about follow thru! First it starts with intentions . then keeping at it. Making a schedule.
Keeping at it , follow thru so the build up doesn't happen again. Elbow grease goes a long way , but do you want to keep putting in the hard core elbow grease every few months or have it get easier as time goes on ? Follow thru its important so it will get easier so you don't have to continue to put in the hard core elbow grease. *wash , rinse , repeat * its on all the shampoo and conditioner bottles. The follow up is on all cleaning products : floor cleaner , kitchen and bathroom cleaners. Yet we don't always use it like its intended to help . that is the problem . what I do create a schedule , multi task and FOLLOW thru!
Friday, June 22, 2018
Today I did a cleaning job for a client! I'm going to post before and afters.
It was well worth it. I provided my time and services and we discussed what I do and what they do. They are also a business owner! I love networking and getting to know ppl also being able to help them out. :)
Sunday, June 17, 2018
Finally! Video
I wanted to share pictures of projects I have done .
Formula containers turned utensil holders. Game container turned mop and broom holder.
Cleaning closet ! Kids stuffed animal holder turned kids clothes holder. Etc. Mom win ! It works! Finally
Shoe rack and shoe holders turned into mail and craft holder and purse and scarf holder. Book shelf I took the backing off and added baskets. O like the looks of all my projects and makes it easier for my kids to not make such a huge mess. :)
Friday, June 15, 2018
Books, networking, putting into practice
READING: it's one of my favorite past times! It always feel like an adventure. I've started reading and listening to audio books about business , marketing and different ways to implement things.
I've found some really good things to implement and share to help in my business.
I find them motivational and easy to implement. Everything isn't as easy to do but with practice it soon becomes a habit and it just becomes second nature. What I learn is what can be implemented in any business. I will be sharing individual posts on the individual books and how I am implementing them.
Friday, June 8, 2018
Wednesday, June 6, 2018
here's a post that's been a long time coming! We all procrastinate in one way or another, right? Even if you never thought of yourself as a procrastinator , you can still be one with out realizing until one day it hits you.
How and what ways qualify as procrastination ?
* excuses : reasons why we are not able to get to something that's been on our mind or needs to get done.
* time: start but not able to finish cuz of other things more important to finish. (Ran out of time)
* confusion: where to start, what to do, when to do it? (Can't make up mind)
* motivation: lack of , will do it the next day etc.
* resources: not enough or too much , trying to figure how to bring it together
*feelings : how we feel , sick , anxiety , depression etc , stress
Yes yours truly has realized in a few ways I'm a procrastinator and never realized it.
Yes , I clean and organize. But I noticed the other day I procrastinated on a few projects I've been meaning to get done and didn't realize it . so what will I be doing on my day off ? Hitting the projects I've procrastinated on due to time and other things being more important .
Ways to over come procrastination , get motivated : reward yourself , little things do help! Make time : even if you work in it for a few minutes a day make sure you go back to it. Don't make excuses: take responsibility. Own it!
Set goals.
Even if you fall short. Its never too late to change the more you do something the faster it will turn into a habit , procrastination can be a bad habit, you can change it and make it a good goal to not procrastinate.
Monday, June 4, 2018
Sunday, June 3, 2018
Sunday, May 20, 2018
Group me
Wednesday, May 16, 2018
My business...
My business is on pinterest, facebook, Instagram, Twitter. You should check it out all I ask is that you share with ppl who would be interested and if you have questions feel free to message and ask.
Friday, April 20, 2018
Monday, April 9, 2018
My slide show
Monday, April 2, 2018
Mom win
Finally found a way for my kids rooms to not look like tornados. Putting all their clothes in laundry basket in the closets. First project of the week done. Pictures to come.
Wednesday, March 28, 2018
Pile up
When it all piles up and you
Don't have time to get to it....
Or you want a little break before delving back in.....
Ill get to it after I do this....
Or pencil it in this day and time next week....
All things we tell ourselves and sometimes never get to.?
I know this all to well lately mainly cuz I've been exhausted and haven't had the time so yes it's all piled up. So here's my fix to that doing a little every day when it gets difficult because even little by little you are still accomplishing something.
Life happens
Its ok to allow yourself a break every once in a while. When you accomplish even a little bit its ok to reward yourself with what works for you.
So instead of being annoyed that you let it pile up , do what it takes little by little to get it organized and back in order. If you don't know where to start you can ask for tips or advice or watch YouTube videos or get ideas. You can always get a hold of me and I would be happy to share.
Sunday, March 4, 2018
Sunday, February 25, 2018
Putting things off
When you put things off such as house cleaning and organizing it can pile up real fast. Well this last week I let it all go cuz I was busy with other priorities so I got lazy and didn't organize or clean. I didn't keep on top of it and had to clean. So today I picked up a little and then back to my previous priorties.
Its not as bad staying on top of things as if you don't. So this week I will be spending it cleaning and organizing as well as my other priorities .
Friday, February 9, 2018
Operation : Taking Back My House
So this week I have been taking my house ! With all the changes its taken me longer than I like but it will be worth it once it's all done. So part of me taking back my house is getting some more things for organization. I got some white boards and calendars so I can keep track of EVENTS I want to attend.
I recently got a shredder so I was able to get rid of paper CLUTTER. Which has been helpful and I feel better.
One of my co workers / friends gave me a CLEANING TIP to get soap scum off my showers and tubs , I tried it and it works so I am going to keep doing that . :) I updated my website ! I've done some live videos. (MARKETING TIPS)
I've made my own BUSINESS CARDS, brochures, LOGO etc. I'm happy with my success so far though I have quite a bit left to completely have my house back.
Monday, January 22, 2018
My logo
My logo ,
Is who I am and a lot of thought was put into it.
Leaves represent fall and seasons
Puzzle pieces represent bringing together
Gift represents beautiful surprise and final picture.
Friday, January 12, 2018
With every new project and update I do . I down size because it makes sense and I realize I don't need all that. Plus I live in a small starter home so accumulation isn't really something I wanna do plus clutter drives me crazy .
So I choose containers and then what doesn't fit in those containers I don't need. There is more to my thought process but that is the basic. I love downsizing as not only does it help declutter and organize but it can also help to open the space and I love trying new ideas to get more space from my home.
So I get an idea them I put it in motion of accomplishing to bring it together for organization .
Step 1. Check list - sticky notes , paper , pens , creativeness
Step 2. Details- goal, accomplish , time , requires
Step 3. Cleaning/ clearing space , organizing
Step 4. Bring together
Step 5. Final project- pictures , videos etc.
These are the steps that encompass every vision I have . so I start the preparations beginning of the work week to plan for my days off then I devote my days off to creating what I want as far as organization for my home. So I do the research.
Bringing an idea together to make my home flow better makes me happy.
Sunday, January 7, 2018
Inspiration for organization comes from many different things in my life :
1. Don't like clutter . I like an organized and clean house
2. I can rearrange or change when I feel the urge to. I can bring in color. Use for different rooms.
3. Magazines , ideas, find out what works and doesn't
4. Prioritize
5. Re-use/ dual purpose
Organizing rearranging bringing a room together makes me happy
I'm in my element when I can have an organized clean place and help others do the same.
Friday, January 5, 2018
New years resolutions
New years resolutions are done for many things. Im doing them for the new year and for my business! For my business I want to support small businesses, by sharing posts and or contributing to their success. I think its important to support small businesses and show that they matter. I want to attend events this year and have steady clientele.
5 year plan
Every one gets asked about a 5 year and 10 year plan almost all through school and at some jobs. Maybe in interviews too. Sometimes we have to reevaluate our 5 plan. I've been faced with reevaluating my 5 year plan twice in 2017.
Its now 2018 and I have a few 5 year plans
1. Where I want to be in the next 5 years.
2. Where I want my business to be in the next 5 years.
Although where I want to be and where I want my business to be in the next 5 years are similar. There are a few differences.
My business with in the next 5 years
* steady clientele
* support other small business
* bring in enough money to be debt free
* pay it forward
*Maybe get big enough to hire a few employees.
* happy doing what I love.
This is my 5 year plan for my business in a nut shell.