Sunday, August 6, 2017

Dusting and changing up the looks of shelves

Recently I was dusting my curtain rods and contemplating how to change things up a bit make it batter, rearrange. I was looking through some magazines and I saw some shelves with the backing off and some totes. So I decided to see if that would work. So here is what I did: 

I finally decided I liked the idea. I checked the shelf to make sure it would be sturdy with out the back and I found out it would be as all shelves were nailed and screwed down to the inside of the shelf. ( the back was coming off any way) I hammered out the back and I moved the shelf back , then I found my empty totes and put books in them. The above picture is the finished product.
Great part about this , I didn't spend any money. 
Helpful Hints:
~ Nothing comes into my house with out a dual purpose. 
~ There is always more than one way to do things and chances are you can use things around your home you didn't know you had. 
~ look in magazines , books or pinterest for inspiration or my blog can help too once I have more than a few entries.